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অতি গুরুত্বপূর্ণ ইংরেজি সাহিত্যের কিছু প্রশ্ন

 1. Edmund Spenser ( কবিদের কবি ) লিখিত শ্রেষ্ঠ কাব্যগ্রন্থ হল-

=>The Faerie Queene.

2. Sir Philip Sidney এর বিখ্যাত সাহিত্য সমালোচনা মূলক গ্রথ -

An Apology for Poetry

3.Thomas Kyd এর বিখ্যাত Tragedy (revenge tragedy) এর নাম ?

=>The Spanish Tragedy

4.Who wrote famous play "Doctor Faustus"-

=>Christopher Marlowe.

5.Famous play "Volpone" and "The Silent Woman" are written by- [37th BCS]

=>Ben Jonson..

6."The Duchess of Malfi" (play)  is written by-

=>John Webster.

7.Robert Herrick তার কোন কবিতার জন্য বেশি পরিচিত?

=>To Daffodils.

8.John Milton তার কোন epic এর জন্য বিখ্যাত ?

Paradise Lost.

9."The Pilgrim's Progress" কার বিখ্যাত গ্রথ?

John Bunyan.

10 The famous novel "Robinson Crusoe" is written by-

 =>Daniel Defoe.

11. William Congreve এর রচিত বিখ্যাত নাটক ?

The Way of the World.

12 Thomas Gray এর বিখ্যাত elegy --

=> Written in a Country Churchyard. (36th BCS, 37th BCS)

13. Jonathan Swift এর বিখ্যাত উপন্যাস হল

=>Gulliver's Travels.

14. "The Rape of the Lock" famous mock epic is written by

 =>Alexander Pope.

15. Who compiled English Dictionary in 1755 ?

=>. Samuel Johnson

16. The Rime of the Ancient Mariner" বিখ্যাত কবিতাটির কবি ?

=>ST. Coleridge.

17. "Vanity Fair" (novel) is written by

William Makepeace Thackery.

18.Thomas Hardy এর বিখ্যাত উপন্যাস


"The Return of the Native" 


"Tess of the D'urbervilles".

19.Emily Bronte এর লেখা একমাত্র উপন্যাস ?

=>"Wuthering Heights"

20. "Jane Eyre" (novel) is written by

=>Charlotte Bronte.

21. "Treasure Island" কার বিখ্যাত উপন্যাস ?

=>Robert Louis Stevenson.

22. "The Gift of the Magi" (short story) is written by


23. William Somerset Maugham 93 3Ji short story (1

The Luncheon.

24. The writer of the novel named "A Passage to India"  is 

=>Edward Morgan Forster. (36th BCS)

25. "Mrs. Dalloway" উপন্যাসটি কে লিখেছেন?

=>Virginia Woolf.

26. "Sons and Lovers" is a famous novel which is written by--

=>D.H. Lawrance


27. T.S. Eliot এর বিখ্যাত কবিতা?

=>The Waste Land.

28. Who wrote "Animal Farm" (Allegorical Novel) ?

=>George Orwell.

29. Who wrote "A Doll's House"?

=>Henrik Ibsen.

30. "Lord of the Flies" is a famous novel by--

William Gerald Golding.

31. A tragedy named "Riders to the Sea" (one act play-tragedy) is written by

=>John Millington Synge

32. Who wrote "The Jungle Book" (novel) ?

Rudyard Kipling

33. Who wrote "Death of a Salesman" (play) ?

=>Arthur Miller

34. Walt Whitman এর সবচেয়ে বিখ্যাত কাব্যগ্রন্থ হল--

=>Leaves of Grass.

35. Who wrote "The Bluest Eye" (novel) ?

=>Toni Morrison.


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